Thursday, May 24, 2012

Princeton Reverb LOVE!

I've been without an amp for a while now, I sold off my Carvin Vintage 16 combo, which I loved, to pay some bills. To replace it, I've been slowly building up the 1x12" stack: Avatar 1x12", Weber Legacy speaker, and I've wanted to play around with a blackface amp for a while.

I decided upon the Princeton Reverb as the wattage and tone to shoot for. Everyone said they sounded better with a 12" speaker, which wouldn't be a problem for me because I was looking at building a head. This was a kit from Weber, and it was pretty good to begin with. I modded the chassis a little, replaced the output transformer so I could get my 16 ohm output tap, and made a turret board to use instead of the eyelet board (turrets are so much nicer to try and mod in-place inside the amp).

It took a few long, late nights of me, 24 on Netflix, and the amp kit, but I got done a few days after it arrived, and I have to say, this may be my favorite amp I've built.

I was worried that it would be noisy, because as you can see the insides look like spaghetti, despite my trying to be very careful and mindful of wiring runs, but it is DEAD quiet. As in, you can't even hear a hiss when it's on. It's spooky.

The reverb will need to be tamed, and I already modded the tremolo just a smidge to give me more depth/intensity, but it is awesome. Very responsive to playing style, very lush and soulful. I feel this is just the thing to get me out of my playing rut and into writing again.

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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Copperhead Distortion

One of my favorite distortion circuits in a tiny little box.

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Spring Cleaning!

Selling these pedals to make room for new stuff on the workbench!

A quick photo shoot before I list them for sale on different forums. :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

MadBeanPedals Darkside

Hey all,

Just finished building the Madbean Pedals Darkside, a Cornish G-2 clone. Sounds great!

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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Cave Dweller!

Crazy small. Crazy cool.

This pedal may not do all the delay you'll ever want, but it does some really cool atmospheric delay stuff and it's a pedalboard no-brainer because of its small size.

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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Busy with PCBs...

I'm trying out a few projects from, the Darkside and Cave Dweller 1.

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

New phone and updates coming!

I got me a new phone and now it should be easier to post new pedal images and such to get the blog going again!

Here's one that I just finished, it's the Dirtbag Delay, a Deluxe Memory Man clone (thanks to MadBeanPedals for the awesome PCB!)

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